Дополнительный инструментарий к Statistica
Structural Equation Modeling для Statistica
1. Stability of Alienation - Wheaton, Muthen, Alwin, and Summers
2. Confirmatory Factor Analysis - Lawley and Maxwell
3. Confirmatory Factor Analysis with Identifying Constraints
4. Effects of Peer Influence on Ambition
5. Standardized Solution for the Effects of Peer Influence on Ambition
6. Factor Analysis with an Intercept Variable
7. Comparing Factor Structure in Two Groups
8. Testing for Circumplex Structure
9. Testing for Stability of a Correlation Matrix Over Time
10. A Multiple Regression Model for Home Environment and Mathematics Achievement
11. Structural Models for Home Environment and Mathematics Achievement
12. Test Theory Models for Sets of Congeneric Tests
13. Comparing Dependent Variances
14. A Multi-Trait Multi-Method Model
15. A Longitudinal Factor Analysis Model
16. A Structural Model for 10 Personality and Drug Use Variables
17. A Test for Compound Symmetry
18. Testing the Equality of Correlation Matrices from Different Populations
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