
MathSoft Electronic электронные книги для

MathSoft Electronic электронные книги для Mathcad

Contents: General Interest
1. Mathcad 6.0 Treasury
2. Picturing Mathematics
3. Real World Math with Mathcad
4. Exploring Mathcad
5. Personal Finance
6. Mathcad Education Library
7. Algebra I
8. Algebra II
9. Precalculus
10. Calculus
11. Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations

1. Statistics Treasury, Volume I
2. Statistics Treasury, Volume II
3. Topics in Mathcad: Statistics

Contents: Mathematics
1. Finite Element Beginnings
2. Numerical Recipes Function Pack
3. Queuing Theory
4. Topics in Mathcad: Advanced Math
5. Topics in Mathcad: Differential Equations
6. Topics in Mathcad: Numerical Methods

Содержание раздела