
ER Down of 95 or

Expert Rating Strategies
1. 1656debate
2. ER Down of 95 or better
3. ER Down and decreasing trendscore
4. ER Up of 95 or better
5. ER Down and increasing trendscore
6. Find date last ER up of 95 or more in the last 49 days
7. Find ER’s and how many occurred
8. Find high ER up
9. Find date last ER down of 95 or more in the last 49 days
10. Market ER of 95 or greater to the downside
11. Market ER of 95 or greater to the up side
Fundamental Strategies
1. Fundamental rank
Hit And Run Trading
1. 180's - Buys
2. 180's - short
3. Boomers - Buys
4. Boomers - Short
5. Expansion Pivots - Buy
6. Expansion Pivots- Short
7. Gilligans Island - Buys
8. Gilligans Island - Short
9. Lizards - buys
10. Lizards - short
11. Stepping in front of size
12. Whoops! - Short
Opening Bell Strategies
1. Aprilobm
2. Augobm
3. JuneOBM
4. Obmfeb98
Street Smarts
1. Holy Grail strategy
2. Linda Bradford Raschke MACDI exit
3. Linda Bradford Raschke ST MACDI buy
4. Rangcon
5. Turtle soup
6. Volhis
7. Whiplash

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